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“Anker” is the word for an anchor in a number of Germanic and Nordic languages, including Old English.


Maritime trade in the ancient world created the first "companies" where pools of capital, management and labour were pooled contractually for the purpose of undertaking economic activities with risk and reward..


“Anchoring” is also an important concept in behavioural finance and psychology.  It is a cognitive bias that occurs in decision making.  It is symbolic for how irrational human decision-making processes can be, which is why we place a big emphasis on processes to help us to avoid unconscious biases.


For example, a low valuation can lead to other factors being seen more positive than they should be; conversely, a stock that has performed well could influence the level of attraction it should really have.  Growth, valuation, relative performance, news-flow are important when considering the merits, but unless you adopt methods for avoiding biases to take hold, these are only single factors in an overall picture. 


Our aim is to be both an “anchor investment” for our investors in their portfolios and to be an "anchor investor" supporting the right companies in the long-run, creating demand for their shares when the stock is mispriced and supporting management in taking the right decisions.


We want our investors to think and act rationally as long-term investors, just as we want the companies we invest in to make good long-term decisions.





The art on our website was created in collaboartion with Miriam Sugranyes, whose art "translates into images what others think in words". Together with Veronica Yates, she co-founded The Rights Studio, a creative hub for people and organisations to engage on human rights issues affecting children, young people and future generations through the arts and other creative expressions.


The artwork consists of seven individual images, which can be arranged in any sequence (myriorama cards). Each card represents different aspects of the interaction between financial markets and the neural response by a human or computer networks.


The connections between the images are:

Morse code, representing the 1's and 0's of a computer programme

Graphs/charts that can represent information over time

Neurons that make connections as a result of information inputs


By using a myriorama we emphasise that the process of humans and machines interacting with information is an ongoing learning process and feedback loop, subject to errors and biases.









© 2024 ANKER Capital Management AG

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